Berberine is a dietary supplement featuring Berberine HCl, a compound extracted from various plants used in traditional medicine. Known for its impressive array of health benefits, Berberine HCl is particularly noted for its ability to support metabolic and cardiovascular health. It has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels, support healthy cholesterol levels, and improve overall heart health. Additionally, Berberine is popular for its potential benefits in weight management and gastrointestinal support. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it a valuable supplement for overall wellness. Ideal for individuals seeking a natural approach to support their metabolic health, Berberine provides a straightforward solution with its high-quality, concentrated Berberine HCl formula.

50 mg


50 mg


50 mg


50 mg



Berberine is a bioactive compound extracted from several different plants, including a group known as Berberis. Traditionally used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties, berberine has garnered attention in the scientific community for its potential health benefits. This yellow-colored alkaloid is found in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark of plants and has been used to treat various ailments for centuries. Berberine works at the molecular level, with studies showing that it can influence the body's cells to improve metabolic health, reduce inflammation, and fight bacteria. Its most notable effect is on blood sugar levels, where it has been shown to significantly reduce glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes, akin to the effect of some diabetes medications.

Beyond its anti-diabetic effects, berberine has a wide range of health benefits. It's been shown to improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and decreasing blood pressure, making it a valuable supplement for those looking to reduce their risk of heart disease. Additionally, berberine may aid in weight loss by improving the function of fat-regulating hormones such as insulin and leptin, and by increasing the burning of fat. The compound also exhibits significant antimicrobial activity, which can help fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Given its broad spectrum of benefits and the growing body of research supporting its use, berberine is becoming increasingly popular as a dietary supplement for those seeking to improve their health naturally.


Berberine is a bioactive compound extracted from several different plants, including a group known as Berberis. Traditionally used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties, berberine has garnered attention in the scientific community for its potential health benefits. This yellow-colored alkaloid is found in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark of plants and has been used to treat various ailments for centuries. Berberine works at the molecular level, with studies showing that it can influence the body's cells to improve metabolic health, reduce inflammation, and fight bacteria. Its most notable effect is on blood sugar levels, where it has been shown to significantly reduce glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes, akin to the effect of some diabetes medications.

Beyond its anti-diabetic effects, berberine has a wide range of health benefits. It's been shown to improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and decreasing blood pressure, making it a valuable supplement for those looking to reduce their risk of heart disease. Additionally, berberine may aid in weight loss by improving the function of fat-regulating hormones such as insulin and leptin, and by increasing the burning of fat. The compound also exhibits significant antimicrobial activity, which can help fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Given its broad spectrum of benefits and the growing body of research supporting its use, berberine is becoming increasingly popular as a dietary supplement for those seeking to improve their health naturally.

How does berberine work?

Berberine is a bioactive compound extracted from several plants, including the Berberis shrub family. It has a long history of use in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Berberine is known for its distinctive yellow color and has been utilized for various health conditions, primarily due to its potent antimicrobial properties. Beyond its traditional use, modern research has revealed that berberine has a broad spectrum of metabolic and cardiovascular benefits. It's particularly noted for its ability to improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Moreover, berberine has been shown to have positive effects on lipid profiles, potentially reducing cholesterol levels and supporting heart health. Its mechanism of action is complex, involving multiple cellular pathways and affecting various aspects of physiological regulation.

Berberine operates through several mechanisms to exert its health benefits:

  • Metabolic Regulation: Enhances insulin sensitivity and increases glycolysis, helping to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Lipid Profile Improvement: Reduces the production of liver cholesterol, lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and increases HDL (good) cholesterol.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Inhibits the production of inflammatory markers, which can contribute to chronic conditions and insulin resistance.
  • Antimicrobial Activity: Demonstrates strong antimicrobial properties against a wide range of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
  • Cardiovascular Support: Improves endothelial function, contributing to better blood vessel health and reduced risk of heart disease.
  • Weight Management: May aid in weight loss and prevent obesity by enhancing fat metabolism and reducing fat storage in the liver.

Due to its wide-ranging health benefits, berberine is considered a valuable supplement for individuals looking to support their metabolic health, manage blood sugar levels, or improve cardiovascular health. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting berberine, especially for those on medication or managing chronic health conditions, to ensure safe and effective use.



berberine extract


of berberine HCl


capsules in container


active ingredient


berberine extract


of bererine HCl


capsules in container


active ingredient

For athletes and individuals focused on weight management, berberine offers several benefits that can support their health and performance goals:

  • Enhanced Metabolic Efficiency: By improving insulin sensitivity and supporting glucose metabolism, berberine helps ensure that energy derived from carbohydrates is utilized efficiently. This is crucial for athletes who rely on carbohydrates as a primary energy source during high-intensity training and competitions.

  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: The ability of berberine to positively influence lipid profiles, reducing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL cholesterol, supports cardiovascular health. This is particularly beneficial for endurance athletes, as optimal heart health is vital for sustained physical activity.

  • Weight Management Support: Berberine's impact on fat metabolism can assist in weight management efforts. By inhibiting fat storage and promoting the breakdown of existing fat, it can help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy body composition, which is essential for both performance and overall health.

  • Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects: The anti-inflammatory properties of berberine can help reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery after intense workouts. Additionally, its antioxidant effects protect cells from oxidative stress, improving recovery times and reducing the risk of injury.

  • Gastrointestinal Health: For athletes, maintaining a healthy gut is essential for optimal nutrient absorption and overall health. Berberine's antimicrobial properties can help balance the gut microbiota, potentially reducing gastrointestinal disturbances that can impact training and performance.

Incorporating berberine into the supplementation regimen of athletes and those aiming for weight reduction can thus support various aspects of their health and fitness goals, from enhancing metabolic and cardiovascular health to aiding in recovery and weight management. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, especially for those with pre-existing health conditions or those taking other medications, to ensure it aligns with their specific health needs and athletic objectives.


Active ingredient in 1 capsule (1 portion)
Berberis root extract 400 mg
- on which: berberine HCl 392 mg


Berberis root extract (standardized to 98% berberine HCl), rice four, coating: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, dye: zinc oxide.


100 capsules

1 capsule a day. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.

PRO TIP: When incorporating berberine into your routine, especially for athletes focused on cardio training and individuals aiming to manage blood sugar levels, timing and dosage play a pivotal role in maximizing its benefits. Consider taking berberine with your meals, particularly before your high-carb meals or post-workout recovery meals. This timing can help berberine effectively moderate blood sugar spikes and enhance glucose metabolism, ensuring a steady supply of energy during extended cardio sessions and aiding in recovery afterward. For those specifically looking to manage blood sugar levels or enhance weight loss efforts, starting with a dose of 400mg of berberine two to three times daily can be beneficial. However, it's essential to monitor your body's response and adjust the timing and dosage as necessary, under the guidance of a healthcare professional. This strategic approach allows you to leverage berberine's blood sugar-lowering effects to support energy levels during cardio workouts, improve metabolic efficiency, and assist in weight management goals.